
Newborn care

Follow up care of normal newborn including growth monitoring, jaundice care, feed advice , colic management and vaccination

Lactation counselling

Helping mother and baby in initiating and maintaining Breast feeding and management of lactation related health issues


All vaccines recommended by IAP are administered and post vaccination care is adviced in an extremely child friendly way

General paediatrics

Management of general childhood infections like common cold, tonsillitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, vomiting, viral fevers etc and other childhood illnesses

Child growth and development

Monitoring child growth parameters and management of underweight, obesity and short stature. Development assessment and treatment of developmental disorders like speech delay, bed wetting, autism, ADHD and child and family counselling is done 

Child nutrition

Nutritional assessment and dietary advice for proper growth and development of a child and management of height, weight and micronutrients related health issues.

Adolescent care

Adolescent physical and mental health needs to be taken care of with utmost gentleness and mindfulness. Special focus on adolescent counselling and pubertal health issues

Allergy and Asthma

All allergic disorders like atopic dermatitis, eczema, asthma etc are managed along with nebulisation services

We’ll handle your child with care!

Enrich your child's life today