Summers are becoming hotter and hotter with every passing year. Because of that air conditioners have become a common household item now a days. But parents usually have a lot of concerns about using AC for their kids like  

Is it safe to use AC for new borns ?

Does AC usage really cause cold and cough ?

What are the health problems with AC usage ?

What precautions need to be followed while using AC in summer?

Before answering these questions let us first look at how an air conditioner works?      

An air conditioner works under 3 common principles :

1 – It draws in warm air from the room

2 – It cools the air and dehumidifies it by means of a refrigerant and series of coils

3 – Sends back the cooled, dry air back into the room

2 points to be remembered in the functioning of an air conditioner are

  1. It makes the air dry to an extent – dehumidifies it.
  2. It does not draw in fresh air from outside but filters and circulates the same air in the room.

With the above facts in mind let us try to answer the common doubts that parents have regarding Air conditioner usage.

1.Is it safe to use AC for a  newborn?

It is absolutely safe to use AC for newborns and older kids provided the temperature is set right and the AC is cleaned and serviced regularly. The ideal room temperature for a newborn is between 25 and  28 degree Celsius. Older kids are generally comfortable at a slightly lower temperature than this.

2.Does AC usage cause cold and cough?

AC usage does not directly cause cold or cough but when we are inside an AC room for long hours and keep inhaling the dry air our respiratory tract becomes dry and to compensate that the glands start to secrete some mucus. This gives a blocked feeling when you wake up in the morning . you also find some dried up mucus in your nose. Also when the tract gets dried the surface immunity goes weak and it makes you vulnerable to infections. By this way it can predispose to infective cold and cough.

Though AC usage is generally beneficial in case of allergies and asthmas as it filters the dust and particles in the room air,  if the AC unit is not cleaned and serviced properly it can by itself become a source of allergens and infections. Using AC is better than being inside a closed room with an infected person as an air conditioner filter and recirculates the air. But it can’t be equalled to a cross ventilated room where fresh air replaces the infected air. If there is an infected child at home or in school the chances of getting infected from that child will be more in an AC room than in an open cross ventilated room but less than a closed ill ventilated room.

3.What are the other health problems with AC usage?

  • By making the moisture level go down ACs can lead to dehydration on prolonged usage.
  • Low moisture levels have profound effects on skin particularly if the child has atopic dermatitis – dry skin, scaling, itching and so on
  • Prolonged indoor dwelling without fresh air can lead to lethargy and headache.

4.What are the precautions to be followed while using AC in Kids room?

  • Make sure to service and clean the AC filters before starting to use after a long gap like in summer.
  • Set the AC temperature around 26 – 28 degree celsius for newborns and around 24 degrees for older kids
  • Do not use the ceiling fan on while using AC in the room . Infact keep the AC fan speed at the lowest.
  • Make sure the baby is not under the direct AC airflow.
  • Check the temperature of the baby by comparing the warmth in the baby’s tummy to that of hands and legs. If hands and legs feel colder than the tummy or they look a little purplish or bluish instead of being pink try covering up the baby with an additional layer of clothing or increase the room temperature a bit.
  • If there is excessive skin dryness or nose block issues try using a humidifier in the room temporarily for a few days. While using a humidifier in kids room you need to remember the following points
  • Use only a cold mist humidifier
  • Make sure to use clean purified or distilled water only
  • Clean the humidifier daily and sundry it to avoid mould formation in it
  • Moisturize your baby’s tender skin once or twice while in an air conditioned room.
  • Avoid taking the baby out of an air conditioned room directly into a hotter outside environment. Switch off the AC , wait for sometimes and then bring the baby out.

Using the air conditioners at the right temperature and in a proper way, will provide a comfortable zone for your little ones during a hot summer day. Also make sure your little one does not fall sick and follow all the above said precautions.

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